Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Anxieties of Giving a Speech

You have a speech written, rehearsed, and ready to present but you're nerves are building and taking over. Your palms are sweaty, the words of your speech are jumbled in your head and you can't stop fidgeting. Where do you go from here?

This is a classic scenario of communication apprehension. In order to overcome these symptoms there are many things that you can do but practice and experience are the main solutions. Some other techniques that help me are:
- Knowing my subject
- Utilizing breathing exercises before the speech
- Vocal warm-ups
- Realizing that your audience wants you to succeed and hear what you have to say

So now, you're standing in front of your audience poised and confident. You are holding your notecards effortlessly and begin with your attention grabbing technique. Your feet are planted in one place and you're making eye contact with members of the audience. At the end... APPLAUSE!!

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